Category Archives: Art

On Display

Been working on putting some of my photographs from Africa on display here in Louisville. This summer I have been sharing work space with some talented artists at Sojourn Community Church.  We are all going to have our work hanging in the Sojourn Gallery at St. Vincent’s starting August 23rd.  If you can come out, there will be a reception and artist talk on Friday the 23rd.  The event is from 7-9pm. I was also featured in Sojourn’s Art and Culture Blog.




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Filed under Art, Louisville

glamour and glitz

It was everything I expected and everything I wanted it to be.  One my think that I would be appalled by such sites after living in Africa where mud-huts are the norm – but surprisingly I just felt amazed, maybe bewildered, but not appalled. Versailles was pure ridiculousness – this gilt castle, the extra palaces, the extensive grounds, the make-believe peasant’s cottage.  I could just imagine myself playing a epic game of hide-and-go-seek in a huge ballgown while running through shaped hedges and around Classical sculptures.










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Filed under Art, Landscape, Travel

walking through history

This was my reason for coming to Paris.  We had it narrowed down to a few places in Europe.  But when I thought about what I wanted to see if I was never to come back to Europe – the Louvre was it. The chance to see that much art and culture in one place, to be surrounded by all the stuff I study in university, to experience the masters in person – I had to take it.



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Filed under Art, Travel

The Blue Mosque

In the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city, we found some peace.

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Filed under Art, Travel

road to ruin

I visited many Greco-Roman ruins while traveling this summer.  Not only was I struck by the beauty of these antique cities, but by how connected I felt to these ancient people.  We all lived under the same sun and moon.  We all strive to find beauty and truth in the world.  We were all created and looked after.  Seeing the grave yards of these magnificent structures reminded me of the vastness of our world and my tiny place in it.

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Filed under Art, Travel

that which is “small and beautiful”

Throughout the different cities and countries I have visited here in Africa, I have seen some really interesting businesses that are aimed at helping the most impoverished — the disabled, the diseased, the widows and orphans — by giving them work in the arts and crafts.  While traveling, I visited a very beautiful handmade-bead factory that hopes to aid single mothers in finding employment.  The workshop’s name in it’s native tongue means “small and beautiful.”  They mold, carve, sculpt, paint, and embellish clay beads for necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.  The colors and designs reflect their native land, the bright and exotic fashions, landscapes, and animals.  They sell their wares in New York, LA, and London in fancy boutiques to rich clientele that want something unique.  I was able to buys some beautiful earrings for a few dollars (I am assuming that this is not the price in London…)






Filed under Art, Travel

and the angels kept watch

These are more images from my trip.  The large town, not only has many castles and market places, but many old churches as well.  I visited one of the oldest and most well known.  It is a very peaceful and spiritual place.  I was overwhelmed by its feeling of history.  The images painted all over the walls and ceiling had been viewed by so many people over so many years and meant so much to them.  Experiencing this place was beautiful.


Filed under Art